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Analyse the various forms of prejudice you encounter in the novel Essay Example For Students

Break down the different types of preference you experience in the novel Essay Preference is an antagonistic judgment or sentiment framed...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Managing Diversity And Equality Within The Workplace

Introduction Managing diversity and equality effectively in the workplace is the core responsibility of any organization in the contemporary business world. Shen, Chanda, D’Netto and Monga (2009) conducted a survey whose results revealed the massive diversity within the British society in terms of ethnicity, nationality and religion. As a result, the Equality Act of 2010 was formulated and became law whose provisions focus on legal protection against discrimination based on gender re-assignment, marriage, civil partnership, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy and maternity, sex and beliefs (Monks, 2007). Therefore, managing diversity in the workplace is critical towards the achievement of equality and discrimination free working environment. Bhatia (2008) observed that the ability to understand, accept, value, acknowledge and celebrate differences among people with respect to race, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity and mental ability within an organization i s crucial in eliminating discrimination. Discrimination refers to the tendency of denying equal treatment to people believed to be members of the same social group (Ozbilgin, 2009). In other words, discrimination in the work place is related to denial of equal treatment in terms of promotion, compensation, career development, training and empowerment. Therefore, managing diversity in the work place is crucial towards the achievement of a discrimination free working environment and theShow MoreRelatedBBC: Managing Diversity and Equality Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: MANAGING DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality Introduction The paper will present a case study on the diversity and equality issues in the world’s largest broadcasting network, BBC. The company has employed around 24000 employees. It aims to reflect its audience with the diverse workforce as diversity is considered as a vital success factor of organisation. The company needsRead MoreDiversity in the Workplace1452 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction As a general statement diversity refers to the prevention of discrimination in conjunction with the improvement of equality. 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