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Friday, April 10, 2020

Touchstone and East End Athletic Club

Touchstone should emphasize the following leadership Qualities for improvement of operations within East End Athletic Club Emphasis should be placed on qualities such as ability to communicate effectively, ability to relate freely with members and other employees and also training qualities. Touchstone should act as role model in providing dedicated service to customers of East End Athletic club.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She should ensure that her staff offers unrivaled attention to members so as to create sense of belonging amongst members of the club. Secondly, she has to clearly define various roles within specified sections so as to give employees easy time in associating themselves with areas where their talent and technical skills fit best. This will help in improving work efficiency within the club (Dubrin, 2010). Thirdly, s he should provide charismatic inspiration to all employees; this will ensure members appreciation on the kind of operation roles played by each employee. Then the provision of motivational incentives should be initiated to the employees, this helps in creating good work environment since each employee feel that their contribution and efforts are actually appreciated by the club. Lastly, Touchstone should be result oriented. She should emphasize and direct every action towards activities where results most accrue (Fiedler, 1967). Leadership roles that Touchstone should emphasize in bringing about improvements in operation of East End Club Touchstone should ensure that there is progress in every section of the organization. She should emphasize the importance of teamwork and give proper attention to team members by providing appropriate advices on ways of improving the overall performance of the club. She should ensure that all the programs used are appropriate and up to the tasks. He r leadership role should be reinforced through delegation of some duties to individuals; this ensures that all employees and members are actively involved in the running of the club. She should lead by engaging the staff in open conversations and record every crucial matter that arises from the conversations. She should also be involved in teaching and guiding the team through various processes and showing them various ways of solving specific problems (Dubrin, 2010).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Touchstone should prioritize on both short term and long term needs for the club. In this way she will be providing leadership in terms of utilizing available resources on areas which require immediate attention in the quest for providing quality services to its members. She should be capable of selecting competent leaders capable of working towards achievement of the clubâ €™s long term objectives. Leaders chosen in every department acts as her link points between the club and its members, this is done through playing supervisory on employees ensuring provision of quality services. Lastly, Touchstone should be capable of understanding the needs of both employees and members and act appropriately for the benefit of the club (Cogner, 1992). Recommendations on touch stone leadership responsibility in improving operations at the club She should focus on improving system level performance based on the mission of the club. Touch stone has to establish measures of system-level performance by keeping track of statistics concerning members visiting the club on daily, weekly and monthly basis. This will act as means of measuring improvements results of which should be communicated to employees as a way of making them work hard towards achieving good results (James et al., 2005). She should offer motivational incentives towards every slight improvement in pe rformance. Touchstone should be specific and encourage rewards for good performance on the side of employees. This will prompt workers to work towards improving their services at the club, hence helping in building the club’s image. Members will be left satisfied with services offered whereas workers will feel that their exemplary work is valued (James et al., 2005). Touchstone should consider checking on whether all the required elements are aligned with stakeholder expectations. She should ensure that all actions leading towards risks are overturned appropriately; checking on program costs and implementing the right changes required should also be given consideration.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Conger, J. (1992). Learning to Lead: The Art of Transforming Managers into  Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dubri n, A. J. (2010). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, Skills. (6th Ed.). NY: Rochester Institute of Technology Fiedler, F. E. (1967). A theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill. James, L.R., Michael, D. P., Maureen, B. (2005). Seven Leadership Leverage  Points for Organization Level Improvement in Health Care. London: Cambridge. This coursework on Touchstone and East End Athletic Club was written and submitted by user Stephanie Vargas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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