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Analyse the various forms of prejudice you encounter in the novel Essay Example For Students

Break down the different types of preference you experience in the novel Essay Preference is an antagonistic judgment or sentiment framed...

Friday, December 27, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Greek and Roman Stele Essay - 1249 Words

Ancient Egyptian Greek and Roman Stele Just as we use tombstones to mark graves and commemorate our dead, so too did ancient civilizations. One way to do so in the ancient world was through the use of steles. A stele is a stone slab, usually decorated in relief and inscribed, that honored the death of a person. Three of the ancient cultures that had implemented the use of the stele were the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. In comparing an example from each civilization, it is possible to see the evolution of the stele from one period to another and the different influences each civilization had on a single element. The Egyptians had many ways to honor their dead, including the stele. Wealthy Egyptians, especially officials and†¦show more content†¦The Greek grave-markers of the 3rd-1st century BCE are almost wholly restricted to the East Greek World. The most common type is tall, with architectural elements, and a big figure of the deceased with small attendants. Another type, a short and broad rectangle, depicts the deceased at a feast - the Death Feast or Totenmahl reliefs. (Rothermel 354) The Western Asia Minor Funerary Stele is one Greek stele that falls under these distinctions. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) It is from Asia Minor (part of the East Greek World) during the 1st century BCE. It shows the deceased, a man, lying on a dining couch under an arch. He is leaning on his left elbow and holds up a funerary wreath with the right hand. It is said that the woman on the left is his wife. She appears to be thinking, probably of her dead husband. There are also two attendants, one on either side of the arch, and a table in front of the deceased loaded with food. This stele has all the distinct characteristics (mentioned previously) of the grave-markers from the eastern part of the Greek Empire. The architectural elements (the arch), an image of the deceased (the man on the couch), the broad rectangular shape of the stele, and the Death Feast are all present within this stele. (Rothermel 354) Since this stele was created during the Hellenistic period, it has theShow MoreRelatedGrave stele of a little girl1605 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Grave stele of a little girl Stephanie Sjaastad Nancy Catandella HWA 160L 112 18 November 2013 Ancient Greek art is something to be admired; the accuracy of the figures, compared to Egyptian art is commendable. The art works show great depths of emotion and detail. The â€Å"Grave stele of a little girl† is a beautiful relief of what appears to be a small child holding two birds. The forearm resembles a young child’s arm because it seems that the â€Å"baby fat†Read MoreJohn Browns Effect on World History866 Words   |  4 PagesSince the publication of John Browns article in 1798, we have learned an enormous about ancient Egyptian history. 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Human beings are born, live, and heldRead More Race: Is It a Valid Issue? Essay3192 Words   |  13 Pagesexamining the usefulness of race in scientific investigations. Race is a relatively new concept. Ancient civilizations, though they encountered and included people from many different parts of the world, did not make social distinctions based on physical appearance. They distinguished people according to customs and religion; not race. Acclaimed classicist Frank M. Snowden writes: The Egyptians, whose contacts with Nubia dated back to the Old Kingdom, did not usually designate Kushites by colorRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words   |  76 PagesHOW DID control over water resources influence early Middle Eastern civilizations? ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN EMPIRES page 14 HOW DID conquest and trade shape early empires in the Near East? EARLY INDIAN CIVILIZATION page 16 WHAT INFLUENCES did the first Indus valley civilization have on later Indian religious and social practices? 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research - 2490 Words

Abstract President Obama’s Executive Order 13505 allows the Federal Government to fund stem cell research through the National Institute of Health. There are various types of stem cells, but the policy issue mainly covers human embryonic stem cells. This policy revokes President George W. Bush s executive order 13435 which put heavy limitations on federal funding for stem cell research. Although this policy has already taken effect, there are still bans and immense regulation on particular methods of human embryonic stem cell extraction that involve the destruction of embryos. This in some ways is good because it encourages scientists to find ways to utilize stem cells unique pluripotency or ability to become any cell without the destruction of live embryos. My recommendation is to create modifications to slightly intensify but mostly fortify this policy so that it may not be rescinded in the future. Policy Identification and Explanation President Obama’s Executive Order 13505 is a federal policy executed on March 9, 2009. It states that it shall ixnay the previous preventions or barriers on human embryonic stem cell research. Stem cells have proven themselves to be highly controversial. Most of the variance is generated from the problems this policy has with human ethics. The last federal policy enacted by a President consisted of stem cell research being derived by ethically responsible techniques so that there will be no violation of human life (Bush,Show MoreRelatedHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1625 Words   |  7 PagesProduction and the Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells, the Pontifical Academy for Life presents the field of stem cell research with a statement regarding the official Roman Catholic position on the moral aspects of acquiring and using human embryonic stem cells.  They have declared that it is not morally legitimate to p roduce or use human embryos as a source of stem cells, nor is it acceptable to use stem cells from cell lines already established. Thus, bringing up the conflictingRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1901 Words   |  8 Pages Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Stem cells are cells that have not yet differentiated, or will divide into other cells that will then differentiate. These cells have the ability to develop into any type of cell that the body requires during development and growth. The value of stem cells for research comes from the ability to develop into specialized cells, a process known as differentiation, under experimental conditions. Naturally, stem cells regularly repair or replace damaged tissues. ScientificallyRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research992 Words   |  4 PagesThe liver is known in the medical community as a miracle organ because is it the only known organ in the human body that can regenerate itself if half of it is cut out. Tissue regeneration has always been a desirable fantasy, but now it is almost a possibility. Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that, although unspecialized, can differentiate into various specialized cells, such as nerves, muscle, skin, or even blood. Sadly, controver sy surrounds this relatively new scientific conceptRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1313 Words   |  6 PagesJessica Rogers Kendra Gallos English III Honors 18 April 2016 Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, or HES cell research, is a very controversial ethical debate. This issues is a dilemma for scientist, religious activist, and many more. HES cell research is being disputed because the practice is morally wrong. The other side of the issue stands with many scientist, being that they see the potential lives it could save in the long run. Religious activist, andRead More Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay4185 Words   |  17 PagesHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research Many scientists believe that research on human embryonic stem cells, components of human embryos created in laboratories, will eventually yield cures to a number of devastating human conditions including juvenile diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries. On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announced he would permit federally funded research on existing stem cells lines derived from human embryos. He prohibited the federal funding of researchRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay1276 Words   |  6 PagesStem Cells are the centre point for all growth and development. The centre point of life. Without them, there would not be humans, animals or even germs. Thanks to them, we can modify and enhance the human body when in its foetal form. The fear that a child will be born with hereditary disease, mutations and disabilities haunts the dreams of people today more than ever. But what if we could guarantee our children could be born disease free an d disability free? What if we could remove the gene thatRead MoreHuman Stem Cell Research : Ethical Dilemmas With The Utility Of Embryonic Stem Cells1879 Words   |  8 PagesTrevor McCarthy Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) research possesses ethical dilemmas with the utility of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from human blastocyst, one of the earliest stages of embryonic development. Embryonic stem cell derivation is controversial because there are different opinions and beliefs on when an embryo is deserving of full moral status, equal to the moral respect, rights and treatment to that of a human being. 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However, with the introduction of stem cell research those past notions were dismissed. Upon their introduction, stem cell’s provided a new hope to the world and it proved itself to be an invaluable asset. Through stem cell research, a multitude of cures haveRead MoreThe Use Of Embryonic Stem Cells In Medicine1472 Words   |  6 Pagescure a disease? Embryonic Stem Cells can be used to treat many different diseases, but some people have their opinion that using these stem cells in medicine is unethical because they are coming from a human embryo. There are countries that have banned the use of embryonic stem cells in medicine, and in America there are people arguing that it should be banned here. But what about all of the lives that these stem cells are saving, what if research continues and these embryonic stem cells end up being

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Customer and Markets Mcdonalds

Question: Discuss about a Report for Customer and Markets for Mcdonalds? Answer: PESTEL Analysis The explanations of achievement for McDonalds are around heavenly fast foodstuff, as glowing as the theory, system that it operated. PESTEL analysis is an exceptionally essential instrument of large scale environment for McDonalds (Pertschuk, 2010). Political Factor: Commonly, McDonalds are valuable by administration course of action on the protocols of Fast Nourishment Corporation, for order, comfort and purity procedure. The legislature standard security concern has been an essential sympathy near each person; societies groups are having ailments, for request, vascular and lipid since they are ingestion an extreme measure of fast nourishment (Pertschuk, 2010). In addition, hygiene approach additionally is a considerable kindness for a fast food business. Great relationship with administration will transfer McDonald on a grander situation to benefit in this trade. Economic Factor: Authoritative execution is actually affected financial variables, for instance, charge amount, swapping rule and redundancy rate. Keeping up a Business in close-by business sector, an association must be going up against government regulation on duty or advantage (Economides and Wilson, 2001). Mainly McDonald is a worldwide group, and its trade is successfully consecutively done the domain. Both nations also have its exact instruction on expense or further else that distress the trade. In addition, McDonald requirements to ingress food and beverage in adjacent marketplace, which mean the alteration scale and peoples belief for average securities additionally affect the outflow of continuing a trade and profitability (Rush, 2013). Social-Cultural Factor: The mutable regime will control the commerce offers of McDonalds. At the moment, people groups are prepared to consume more indulgently. They need class establishments and nutrition more than fast food. Additionally, the various countries have appropriate intake manner. In western population, for instance, UK, persons are ready to consume potato and ground sirloin sandwich (Alexander, 2011). In several instance, in China, people slim to rice extra than pulverized sirloin snack and potato. A combine of eons ago, McDonald innovative rice burger, and nowadays is developing rice for feast. In this way, it is actually weird and hard to around it is fantastic. Technological Factor: In the Profligate food business, innovation looks not impact such a significant total to the association. However, great innovation will offer association some assistance with improving its management and performance of productivity (Alexander, 2011). Origination is operated as a fragment of such a huge quantity of paths, for occasion, helping on trap, giving meek instalment to the industry direction, giving Wifi and network tools to fulfil the necessities of consumers. Environmental Factor: As of late, people groups start stress ecological concerns, for occurrence, air sullying and an unreasonable portion of misapplication of section factual. Gross McDonald as case, it took care of a considerable measure of the surplus manufacture. Prior to the bleeper wrapper was transported; McDonalds were spending polystyrene for wrapper for nourishments (Chao and Yu, 2004). There are around 46 million customers consistently buy the nourishment from McDonald. Along these lines, we ought to imagine that the measure of nourishment waste and the abuse of polystyrene group are conveyed each day. There are some heft groups alongside McDonald as the supreme excess fast food trade, and it is an organization that was finishing animals. McDonald should corrupt on location variables to adjustment its scheme. Regulation tried and true is the best stress to an association (Chao and Yu, 2004). Legal Factor: As a trade in speedy production, there are numerous suitable requisites that McDonald should varnish in different realms, for order, the labour and business law, relationship law and fee need. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Major fast food market part: It is the biggest fast food chain regarding corporate world's trade plateful more than 69 million peoples round the earth in more than 118 nations. McDonald's old-style menu has been shockingly effective. Persons with various feasting propensities have adjusted burger and fries passionately. The pleasantly arranged menus for different peoples have been McDonald's greatest quality (Rath, 2007). QSCV: QSCV additionally has been its principal quality, which it keeps up time by time, via preparing representatives through Hamburger University and maintains quality benchmarks by opening quality certification canters. Children targeting: The commercial efficaciously goals exact young children through present playgrounds, models with its advertisements and meals (Rath, 2007). Weakness: New Invention: McDonalds has been around for quite a while. Clients need new things as often as possible, and they change to new items actually on the off chance that they are alluring. So McDonalds should be exceptionally inventive to grasp their palisade of clients. Unhealthy fast food: Fast food is not, in a few case, sound, so it is not acknowledged all over the place on the earth. Thus, they likewise want to rehearse on this element to endure in all business segments keeping up the provincial taste. Negative publicity: McDonald's is strongly censured for present ghoulish food to its consumers, sanctioning stoutness and compacted showcasing focus on unusually youthful youngsters (Rath, 2007). Opportunities: Increasing petition for fast food: In the manual period, the technique of lifecycle of peoples has different. Peoples are extra wishing fast food, which is aided quick, amicable and excellent in eminence. Appeal from individuals can be McDonald's coincidental. It can advance its accepted pecking orders shrewdly to success the trade sectors. Home meal delivery: These days, the pattern is to request food by phone to the spots where we requirement. Giving free home conveyance administration to clients can be an open stable door for McDonalds. Threat: Drift towards well eating: On account of management and distinctive connections efforts to bout bulkiness, individuals are windup up presence a higher digit of alert of annoying solid nourishment as a replacement for of what McDonald's gotten to the counter its list of options (Poyer, 2006). Local fast food restaurant chains: Close-by fast nourishment restaurants can oftentimes proposition extra territory style to succeed serving rations and menu that definitely detects with area tastes. In spite of the manner that McDonald's varieties an extraordinary appearing in conforming its specific rundown to close-by tangs, the rising digit of vicinity fast food shackles and their lower dining experience overheads is a risk to McDonald's. Lawsuit against McDonalds: McDonald's has already been charged for regularly and gone a perilous number of belongings. Cases are overpriced as they entail time and cash, and as McDonald's remains working basically the matching course, there is high prospect for added costly claims to arise (Poyer, 2006). References Alexander, J. (2011). Fact-signs and cultural sociology: How meaning-making liberates the social imagination. Thesis Eleven, 104(1), pp.87-93. Chao, C. and Yu, E. (2004). Environmental policy, international trade, and factor markets. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Economides, S. and Wilson, P. (2001). The economic factor in international relations. London: I.B. Tauris. Pertschuk, M. (2010). The DeMarco factor. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Poyer, D. (2006). The threat. New York: St. Martin's Press. Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press. Rush, S. (2013). On leading the global organization. Greensboro, N.C.: CCL Press.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Taking Credit for Writing

The Secret Agent is one of the most famous novels by Joseph Conrad. It addresses such disputable issues as anarchism and terrorism. Admittedly, these topics have acquired special attention after the tragedy in New York in 2001. It is possible to focus on various aspects of the issues mentioned above. For instance, some may claim that Mr. Verloc is an exemplary anarchist. Others may argue that he is more like a terrorist. So, is Mr. Verloc a terrorist or an anarchist?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Taking Credit for Writing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the first place, it is necessary to define the notions. This will help to understand whether the protagonist of the novel is an anarchist or a terrorist. Thus, anarchists ignore rules and conventions. They believe that absence of rules can lead societies to the true development. Of course, capitalistic societies are believed to be weak, unjust and wrongful. Mr. Verloc is a member of an anarchist group. The members of the group believe that â€Å"only preparing, organizing, enriching, making ready the lawful inheritance of the suffering proletariat† people can establish a new and rightful order (Conrad 37). However, Mr. Verloc is unlikely to be an anarchist. He may articulate some anarchist ideas and he can even seem to be an anarchist. Nonetheless, he is not an anarchist proper. Conrad depicts him as a â€Å"thoroughly domesticated† man (4). Mr. Verloc runs a shop which means he is a part of the capitalistic system. He is married and he has quite ordinary social life. He is not an outlaw. He is a part of the system; he is one of those who follow rules and conventions. As far as terrorists are concerned, these people seek for the opportunity to promote their ideas in a very cruel manner. Terrorists tend to attract people’s attention via such acts as damaging some property (e.g. exploding something) or killing innoce nt people. The major principle is: the more people are killed or the more damage is caused the better for terrorists. However, Mr. Verloc can hardly be called a terrorist. He makes the bomb explode, but he wants no victims. In fact, Mr. Verloc can be called a terrorist who never â€Å"in his life raised personally as much as hiss little finger against the social edifice† (Conrad 36). Therefore, it is possible to conclude that Mr. Verloc is not much of a terrorist. Thus, Mr. Verloc is not an anarchist, but he is not a terrorist either. This man simply tries to seem what he is not. In fact, he can be regarded as one of those who find themselves in conditions which force them to act in a specific way. Conrad manages to depict those people who are simply exposed to different dangerous ideas. The talented writer warns that such dangerous ideas can lead to terrible consequences.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, the protagonist of the novel is killed because of his playing dangerous games. The protagonist’s life and especially his death is a great illustration of Conrad’s views on terrorism and anarchism. Mr. Verloc’s dearth can be deciphered in the following way: terroristic methods and anarchist values are doomed to fail as they are wrongful. Anarchist values are delusive as anarchy can lead to destruction. Terroristic ways are also doomed as they do not draw people’s attention to some agendas, they provoke reactions which also lead to destruction (terrorist are generally found and punished). Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print. This essay on Taking Credit for Writing was written and submitted by user Sharon Church to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The 28 Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the Country

The 28 Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the Country SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are a lot of different ranking systems out there for almost any type of college you can imagine. Even though these rankings purport to use sophisticated algorithms and calculations, all the final lists seem to differ from each other. How should you be able to figure out what the best liberal arts colleges are when there so many different ranking systems out there? I did the work for you by considering many of the top lists and compiling rankings of liberal arts colleges; in the beginning of this article, I'll lay out how exactly these ranking systems work. I then organized schools based on tiers, not by specific rankings - this gives you a better sense of the realistic and respective caliber of these schools. If you're looking for a realistic, reliable ranking list for the best liberal arts colleges in the country, then you're in luck. How Are These Schools Ranked? There are many methodologies for ranking any type of school - they often involve complicated formulas, taking all sort of variables into account. How can you quantify exactly how good a school is, especially in relation to so many others? Well, you can’t, exactly. But if you consider concrete variables that people care about, you can get a pretty solid idea of whether a school is good or not. I’ve pored over some of the most popular lists that rank liberal arts colleges and looked into what measures are used when determining a school's quality. If some of these factors are more important to you than others, you can use those preferences to guide your college admissions decisions. The methods used to calculate each school’s ranking tend to take the following variables into account: Undergraduate Academic Reputation Education experts (like deans, provosts, and presidents) are surveyed on their opinions of each school’s academic excellence. What do leading experts think about a particular school’s offerings? Retention How many students who started as freshman return each year, and end up graduating? The greater this percentage, the higher the retention rate; the higher the retention rate, the better the ranking. Faculty Resources What’s the average class size? How well are professors compensated? How many professors have the highest degrees available in their field? The more access that students have to professors and the happier and more educated professors are, the higher the school’s ranking on this criterion. Student Selectivity The more competitive the students are who attend a school, the better its score. Students with impressive abilities and ambitions are thought to contribute positively to an institution’s academic environment. Variables used to assess selectivity include admissions rate, average GPA, and average standardized test scores (SAT and ACT). Financial Resources Ranking systems consider schools’ per-student spending - the higher the amount, the better the ranking. More spending per student generally means more resources and opportunities available to the student body. Alumni Giving Rate If alumni are happy with their undergraduate experience, they tend to give more. Greater giving rate = higher ranking. Top Liberal Arts Colleges Rankings There are some definite patterns in looking over some of the most popular liberal arts ranking lists (including US News World Report, Niche, Forbes, and College Choice). All of these lists will have their own ranking systems, so schools’ exact place on the list will tend to differ, even from year to year. What’s more helpful is if you can get an idea of where these colleges stand in relation to each other on average. I've separated schools into 4 tiers, with Tier 1 including the highest ranking schools. There's no specific rankings within schools; they're simply listed in alphabetical order. I've also included each school's ranking on several lists. Tier 1 Schools SCHOOL US NEWS NICHE FORBES COLLEGE CHOICE Amherst 2 6 4 1 Bowdoin 4 1 8 14 Middlebury 4 7 14 6 Pomona 4 2 1 4 Swarthmore 3 16 3 3 Williams 1 3 2 2 Tier 2 Schools SCHOOL US NEWS NICHE FORBES COLLEGE CHOICE Carleton 8 4 12 25 Claremont McKenna 9 9 6 12 Haverford 12 12 7 17 Vassar 12 17 10 8 Washington and Lee 14 8 11 9 Wellesley 4 10 9 10 Tier 3 Schools SCHOOL US NEWS NICHE FORBES COLLEGE CHOICE Bates 25 24 15 Colgate 19 18 15 7 Davidson 9 20 13 23 Grinnell 19 11 21 Hamilton 14 19 22 13 Harvey Mudd 14 5 Oberlin 23 33 19 46 Smith 14 21 25 22 Wesleyan 14 5 5 16 Tier 4 Schools SCHOOL US NEWS NICHE FORBES COLLEGE CHOICE Barnard 29 14 16 26 Bucknell 32 13 17 28 Colorado 25 22 30 Franklin and Marshall 40 32 27 Macalester 23 26 29 Reed 93 35 23 32 Union College - NY 38 29 40 University of Richmond 32 23 20 How Do You Get Into These Colleges? Follow these steps to come out on top. The first step in getting into any of the top liberal arts colleges is figuring out how competitive of an applicant you are. If you click on the name of any of the schools in the chart above, you'll be directed to PrepScholar's admission page for that college. You can get more information about admissions rates, average GPA, and average ACT/SAT scores. There's even a tool built into the pages to help you estimate your chances of admission. Many of the top tier schools are very competitive, with admissions rates 20%. If you want to strengthen your application, work on: Getting the best possible SAT/ACT scores Getting fantastic letters of rec Boosting your extracurricular activities What's Next? It's time to get to work! If you have your eye on one (or more) of the schools above, figure out what SAT score you should be aiming for. Are you worried that some parts of your application might be a little weak for your target schools? Learn about what to do if you have a low GPAor low test scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

carlos bulosan Essay Example

carlos bulosan Essay Example carlos bulosan Essay carlos bulosan Essay Carlos Bulosan was born in the Philippines in the rural farming village of Mangusmana, near the town of Binalonan (Pangasinan province, Luzon island). He was the son of a farmer and spent most of his upbringing in the countryside with his family. Like many families in the Philippines, Carloss family struggled to survive during times of economic hardship. Many families were impoverished and many more would suffer because of the conditions in the Philippines created by US colonization. Rural farming families like Carlos family experienced severe economic disparity due to the growing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the conomic and political elite. Determined to help support his family and further his education, Carlos decided to come to America with the dream to fulfill these goals. Traveling by ship, Carlos arrived in Seattle on July 22, 1930 at the age of seventeen. With only three years of education from the Philippines, Carlos spoke little English and had barely any money left. Desperate to survive, he soon began working various low-paying Jobs: servicing in hotels, harvesting in the fields, and even embarking to the Alaskan canneries. During his hardships in finding employment, Carlos xperienced much economic difficulty and racial brutality that significantly damaged his health and eventually changed his perception of America. From several years of racist attacks, starvation, and sickness, Carlos underwent surgery for tuberculosis in Los Angeles. His health condition with tuberculosis forced him to undergo three operations where he lost most of the right side of his ribs and the function of one lung. Yet, he recovered and stayed in the hospital for about two years where he spent much of his time reading and writing. The discrimination and unhealthy working conditions Carlos had experienced in any of his workplaces encouraged him to participate in union organizing with other Filipinos and various workers. Carlos become a self-educated and prolific writer determined to voice the struggles he had undergone as a Filipino coming to America and the struggles he had witnessed of other people. Like many of his fellow Filipinos in his time, Carlos never had the opportunity to return to the Philippines. After years of hardship and flight, he passed away in Seattle suffering from an advanced stage of bronchopneumonia. He is buried at Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. carlos bulosan By brogun

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Do you agree with Dave Eggers that community service should be Essay

Do you agree with Dave Eggers that community service should be required for college students Why or why not - Essay Example As the saying goes, "get the leader and the masses will follow". I personally agree with Dave Eggers community development strategy, as it will not only benefit the community and the students but the nation as a whole. Students are like droplets of water and when gathered together to perform useful community activities they can be compared to enriching the ocean that surrounds them. These droplets should be used to enrich the community, for example even with a modest 9 hours a year requirement (the equivalent of less than two mornings a year), America would gain 54 million volunteer hours to invigorate the nation's nonprofit organizations such as churches, environment protection groups and college outreach programs; if the community service requirement is made compulsory for all private colleges. In other words, American is wasting 54 million precious volunteer hours a year. The next question to be answered is; would if the college students would like serve the community That is said to be the million dollar question, as they say, "you can take the horse to the water, but can't make it drink". I agree with this quote, but this statement is only true when the horse isn't thirsty. Using the "carrot and stick" method proposed by Dave Eggers, where the students are awarded up to three credits for community service, would get the majority of the students motivated. There are many advantages for the college students to become involved in community service, such as: Community service also helps enhance learning by allowing students to integrate course material with actual issues in a community setting. Community service also takes out the "curiosity" which many students have about the "real world" and would help the students gain valuable practical life experiences or even valuable history lessons, like meeting a World War II veteran. Another valuable ingredient for the idea of community service to be a long-term success that is needed is instilling patriotism amongst the students. Community service should be showcased as something to be proud of like when you high grades in the exam. This would remove the temptation to quit halfway through, which was the case for Dave Eggers. Prevention is better than cure; thus community service can prove to be the answer to many problems like drug addition, gangs, etc. Doing something constructive, like community services will stop the students from getting into destructive activities like drugs. Community service plays an important role in personality development. Volunteering will him the student be balanced and indulge in activities that will be to help others. Community service will also help the students develop and hone, "soft skills" that are very much in demand in today's job market. Community service can also act as an anti-depressant by being of service to others. At the same time, it is also important for the student to volunteer in that activity or activities that he or she likes, for example if a person is religious he or she should rather volunteer to help out at a church than at a conservation group. Programs such as the, President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, launched in 2006, recognizes institutions of higher education that support exemplary student community service and service-learning programs,